Artisan Woodwork, Custom Design, Innovative Creations

Excellence is never an accident. It is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, and intelligent execution

- Aristotle

Care, passion and enthusiasm culminate in exceptional craftsmanship


Based out of a quaint little town nestled just across the Puget Sound from Seattle, we strive to create poignant yet purposeful woodwork and comfortable environments.


Make the design your own…

We love the moments where we create something unique and unforgettable, but the care put into all of our work - the focus to make each product cherished - makes this our calling and drives our success.


 Museum work has been such an honor - a chance to give back to the community with the full extent of my skills, and learn a few more. Buiding and installing museums, there is a rare sense of moral gratitude not typically found in fabrication.

Exhibits bring communities together and increase awareness…

 Down the rabbit hole…

We love a challenge, and nothing is more technical in its design, functionality and execution than a hollow wooden surfboard. This was a functional prototype. We learned quite a bit in its creation and use.

 What’s your idea?

Most of the projects started as “just an idea.” Some started as scribblings on a scrap piece of wood! If you have a concept, a rough drawing, or just an idea floating around in your head, we can start with that – no problem! Clients typically want something that becomes an heirloom for their family. The quality of work reflecting the experience, craftmanship and dedication to the craft. I work and consult with all of my clients to make their ideas into unique artistic realities.

No two projects are ever the same; whether it be design, structure, style, functionality, type of wood, or the finish. Problem solving is part of the joy of being a woodworker!

All the design, fabrication and installation that we undertake at PNW Woodwork is carried out with skill, precision and expertise by our experienced and professionally trained craftsman. This commitment to excellence drives the goal of complete customer satisfaction. We specialize in a wide range of custom woodwork from furniture to sculpture, live-edge slabs to reclaimed lumber. We offer service that is unrivalled; we avoid have multiple large projects overlapping, so the focus can be on your vision until your needs are met.

Let’s make your vision a reality

We will walk you through every step of the process.